Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Clarissa and Fionella fell off a tree,
And we were still in primary 3.
Then we crashed into a glass door,
When we were primary 4,
We licked an ice cream pie,
By then we were just primary 5.
By the time we were primary 6,
We were still playing pick up sticks.
By then there was no more primary 7,
And we were way past eleven.
Then we grew up,
Still having hopes of being Daffy Duck.
Then we climbed up the wall,
And this was the first time we had a great fall.
We didn't break into pieces,
Moreover, we fell into faeces.
So by the time we were secondary two,
We couldn't ever be split into two.
So by the time we die,
We have this friendship which didn't even lie. (:

The BFF poem we came up line by line, unknowingly. Man, we were meant to rock the literary world. XD Love, Fionella. :D

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