Monday, May 14, 2007

Out of a sudden, everyone and everything seems to be pissing the shit outta me. Argh.

Can like, the freaking school give us the last 2 weeks off already. I seriously don't see any reason why we should be in school now. There's crappy post-exam activites. Some NE field trip and some Sungei Buloh trip. (WTF?) Seriously, I find it a waste of my time. Urgh.

Then there is Sports Carnival. I want Sports Day back. This is so screwed please.

And the results came along. I can't say much. I didn't study fully. It's my fault. Yay.

Not to mention YOU.
You don't seem to care already, do you. Not even a single call (as you promised.) nor an sms. HAH. Yay. I'm a total bitch and I'm soooo autocratic. Yay.

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